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Fee Structure

Home Fee Structure

Fee Structure

Class Total
Nursery 3300
L.K.G 3300
U.K.G 3300
Class 1 4400
Class 2 4400
Class 3 4400
Class 4 4900
Class 5 4900
Class 6 6000
Class 7 6700
Class 8 7000
Class 9 8500
Class 10 9500
Class 11 (Commmerce) 11000
Class 12 (Commmerce) 13000
Class 11 (Science) 13000
Class 12 (Science) 15000
Class 11 (Arts) 10000
Class 12 (Arts) 12000

About Vedanta Gurukul Public School

Vedanta Gurukul Public School is a Not-For-Profit educational institution of Vedanta Foundation. Established with a vision to provide quality education from pre-primary to 12th standard at an affordable cost, the school has been a beacon of learning for the local community and nearby villages.